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International Conference E-Commerce for development
Bologna 4th - 5th May 2001 - Registrazione (gratuita) sul sito.

=================== Programma =======================

May 4th 2001

9:15 Welcome Address
Pier Ugo Calzolari
Rector of the University of Bologna

9:30 Introduction
Pier Giorgio Ardeni
(Director, SDIC, Bologna)
Jorge Braga de Macedo
(President, OECD Development Centre, Paris)

Session 1: General Issues
10:00 E-Commerce for Development: General Framework
Patrizia Fariselli
(SDIC and NOMISMA, Bologna)
David O'Connor
(OECD Development Centre, Paris)
Discussant: Lynn Mytelka
(UNU INTECH, Maastricht)

11:30 coffee break

11:45 The Impact of the Internet on Global Value Chains
Gary Gereffi
(Duke University)
Discussant: Annaflavia Bianchi
(Telecom Italia, Venice)

12:30 lunch break

Session 2: The International Context

14:30 Measuring E-Commerce in Developing Countries
Lorenza Jachia
(UNCTAD, Geneva)
Discussant: Fabiola Riccardini
(ISTAT, Rome)

15:15 Trade Policies for Electronic Commerce
Aaditya Mattoo
(World Bank, Washington DC)
Discussant: Paolo Guerrieri
(University of Rome)

16:00 International Cooperation: The EU-IST Programme
Paul Timmers
(European Commission, Brussels)
Discussant: Brian Hammond
(OECD Development
Co-operation Directorate, Paris)

17:00 end of first day

May 5th 2001

Session 3: Case Studies: Part I

9:00 Global Supply Chains in the Car Industry
Andrea Goldstein
(OECD Development Centre, Paris)
Sagren Moodley
(University of Natal, Durban)
Discussant: John Humphrey
(IDS, University of Sussex, Brighton)

10:00 The Impact of Internet Trading
in the Coffee Industry
Morten Scholer
(International Trade Centre, Geneva)
Discussant: David Hallam
(Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome)

10:45 coffee break

Session 3: Case Studies: Part II

11:00 E-Commerce and the ICT Industry:
Impact on Local Development in India
Kyle Eischen
(CGIRS, UC Santa Cruz)
Discussant: Gilles Le Blanc
(STICERD-LSE & École des Mines, Paris)

11:45 E-Commerce and Local Content
Creation in South Africa
Carey-Ann Jackson
(Consultant, Durban)
Discussant: Catherine Nyaki Adeya
(UNU INTECH, Maastricht)

12:30 Access to Telephony and the Internet:
The Bangladeshi Experience
Salahuddin Aminuzzaman
(University of Dhaka)
Discussant: Mark Tomlinson
(University of Manchester)

13:30 Closing Address
Fabio Roversi Monaco
President, Fondazione Cassa
di Risparmio in Bologna